About Us


Rohan Dixit

My name is Rohan. I am an 18-year-old autistic guy from Bangalore. I recently realized that there are many autistics in India, like me, and very few places for us to share what we feel. I decided, then, that we needed to create a community for autistic people in India to connect with each other and share their voices and stories.

Preeti Dixit

I am Rohan’s mother. When Rohan came to me with the idea of creating a community for autistic people in India, I was delighted by it. I have been guiding parents of autistic children for over a decade as the mom of an autistic boy and was recently diagnosed with autism myself. I agreed with Rohan that we needed to create a platform for autistics to connect with each other and share our voices. This led to the creation of the C.A.R.E for Autism Community.

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