Homeschooling FAQs

Answers to some frequently asked questions regarding homeschooling.

1. What is homeschooling?

Homeschooling is nothing but schooling at home. Instead of sending your child to school to learn, you teach him or her at home. 

2. What about socialization?

There are a lot of alternatives to socializing kids other than school. Every time you socialize with your neighbors, friends, family, it is an opportunity for your kids to socialize. You can also take them to parks, activity centers, hobby classes, etc. for peer interaction.

3. What about syllabus?

You can find the academic syllabus for homeschooling on the NIOS website. You can use SSLC, CBSE, ICSE, NCERT or IGCSE books to teach the syllabus. However, when it comes to homeschooling a child with special needs, academics is just one part of it. I suggest parents be holistic in their approach and focus on all areas required to lead a successful, independent life. These include self-help skills, communication skills, social skills, self-regulation skills, functional skills.

4. What about schedule?

The beauty of homeschooling is the flexibility it offers in terms of syllabus and schedule. This is a huge plus point when teaching children with special needs as it allows us to create a program that is suitable for the child. I suggest parents schedule their day to include ADLs (activities of daily living), academics, therapies, interactive play (board/card games), physical activity (sports/exercise), indoor activity (chores), outdoor activity (grocery shopping), family time, leisure time, relaxation time.

5. What about exams?

Exams can be given through NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling), Government of India's open schooling platform. Please visit the NIOS website for more information. However, when starting homeschooling, I suggest that parents focus on learning, not testing. Children are curious by nature and learning is as natural as breathing. Give them lots of opportunities to learn. This can be done through various means - life experiences, books, videos, educational games, activities. Find out what works best for your child and teach them in the way that works for them.

You can visit our homeschooling page for more information and resources related to NIOS, education, special education and homeschooling.


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